
So far I haven’ a clue what I am doing when it comes to creating this site! It used to be you started with a page, wanted it this colour, or that. Then you added pages and options as you went. Now I come to attempting to create my author site and there are about a thousand options right off the batt! I’m so lost! I hope anyone coming here can make sense of it. If you come here and read this please let me know you made it without getting lost in cyberspace!!

The purpose of this site will be to get information about me and my books as i write and release them out into the world. Though I have been writing since I was young, the getting my books out there part, and indeed the genre I find myself writing in are both still very new to me so please bear with me!

i am writing a series based just outside the fictional small town of Whithowe, at the edge of the Lake District in the north of England. Most of the books in the series will be MM, with at least one MMF and one MF in the mix. There are already lots of characters from the first books that I am writing who are running around in my head begging for their stories to be told. Patience my friends, I will tell your tales too!

The first book will tell the storey of Perry, pack Alpha of the Whithowe forest pack. His mate, Charlie, went missing 3 years ago just before his 18th birthday when Perry would have been able to claim him. A junior wolf in Perry’s pack is in the forest one day and finds an emaciated and badly abused wolf caught in a bear trap. Where has Charlie been for so long? And why did he disappear?

By violetjoiceycowen